About Debra

Embracing Change: My Journey to Vitality After 40

  • How I felt psychologically with the advent of my 40s
  • The determination to reclaim my fitness and regain my self-confidence
  • My successful weight loss journey – losing 10 kgs in 5 months
  • The transformation’s positive impact on my mental and physical well-being

Unveiling a New Me: My Personal Transformation

  • Reflecting on my life so far and the changes that middle age brought
  • Living with teenagers and the freedom it afforded me to rediscover myself
  • How I used this opportunity to reevaluate my interests and aspirations
  • Realizing the importance of living life to the fullest

Back to My Roots: Rediscovering My Love for Fitness

  • Early interest in fitness: my journey from the gym to becoming a Fitness Instructor
  • Juggling fitness and motherhood: weight fluctuations and their link to personal life events
  • How turning 40 has helped me reconnect with my fitness roots

Empowering Others Through ‘Vitality Fitness 40’

  • The inspiration behind founding ‘Vitality Fitness 40’
  • How I am using the platform to inspire and empower women over 40
  • The health and fitness services we offer at ‘www.vitalfitness40.com’
  • My commitment to my niche: Health & Fitness Women Over 40
  • What readers can look forward to on my website

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